How to hack your WSP & ATR submission in 5 simple steps
Apart from achieving compliance and earning financial rebates, a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) & Annual Training Report (ATR) can also add strategic value to your business. Recognising this value, the task of creating a meaningful WSP & ATR, may seem quite daunting.
Below are 5 simple steps to help you hack your WSP & ATR submission:
1. Use a skills audit to identify training needs
You can easily identify the skills gaps in your business by implementing a skills audit. This tool will help you to make more effective decisions.
2. Include training that can meet multiple compliance requirements
Including Learnerships that also scarce and critical skills, will help you to meet your Employment Equity and BBBEE requirements, as well as increase your chances of obtaining discretionary grant funding.
3. Include training that is aligned to your business strategy
It is important to include training programmes that are not only operationally achievable but are also aligned with your business strategy. Not only does this ensure that the right skills will be acquired, but that your business also has what it needs for future growth.
4. Be specific about what you include in your plan
Be sure to include all the training initiatives that require funding in the PIVOTAL Training section of your WSP. If an initiative is not included, you will not be able to apply for funding for that initiative when the discretionary grant windows open.
5. Start your online submission early
You may experience technical issues when submitting your WSP & ATR online. Stay in touch with your SETA or seek advice from a registered Skills Development Facilitator. Something as simple as not adding an apostrophe in the appropriate place, could prevent you from successfully submitting your WSP & ATR online.
By knowing these 5 simple steps, you can easily change the way you approach your WSP & ATR submission. This will help you to focus your time on entrenching a real culture of learning, growth and development in your business.
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