Webinar Recording
As the country observes Women's Day in August, it was important for us to turn our focus in this webinar to women empowerment, especially in light of 72% more women than men having lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is an important issue as we know when women are empowered, they immeasurably improve the lives of everyone around them, their families, their communities, and their countries.
In this webinar, the fourth in a series of Learning Leader webinars, keynote speaker Candida di Giandomenico, unpackd the concept of “othering” from a woman's perspective, and explains how it happens in the workplace, how we can manage it, and how we can stop doing it to others.
Joining Candida on our panel to share their knowledge on women empowerment in the workplace, was Linda Roos, Group Head of Human Capital at ooba and Shereen Wardakan, Global Procurement Lead Director at McCain.